Thursday, October 4, 2012

Well, That Makes Two of Us

I hate to admit it but I don't know a lot about electronics. I'm assuming that people get the wrong impression about me because of the glasses (I look very knowledgable with them on) but I try my best even when I know absolutely nothing about the subject matter. So in walks this older woman, she wants to buy a camera.
"What camera would you like to purchase?" I asked.
"I don't know." she replies. Off to a great start. She wants something, she just doesn't know what it is. "I just want something cheap. How about this $70 camera?"
"What's the name of the camera and what does it look like?" It's important to ask what it looks like, since just saying it's a Sony Camera isn't enough since we carry 3 different types.
"Don't know. There's no camera here, just a price."
"If there's no camera on display, then we don't stalk it anymore. I'm sorry."
"Check anyway." Did the president pass a law forbidding kindness or something? What happened to please and thank you? So, I check our stock to see if we have the camera available. We don't. "What about this Red Nikon (I believe it was a Nikon, I can't quite remember the camera type at the moment)?" I look through our stock and we do have a red camera from Nikon. We open the box together and I ask if it was the one she wanted. "Yep, this is it." She says. "I also need a memory card to go with it." So we grabbed her a basic 4gig memory card off the shelves for her and I rang it up.
"Your total is $190 and..."
"That's wrong!" she spat back.
"Just the camera and memory card, right?"
"The camera is supposed to be $99."
"I'm sorry. This was our only red Nikon camera. Is there another cheaper alternative you would be interested in?"
"Forget about it. I don't want it anymore." She said and started walking off.
"Sorry about that. You have a good day, ma'am."
"I am NOT happy!"
You're not happy? Think about how I feel having to deal with people like you.

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