Saturday, October 20, 2012

Can't I Get Some R&R When I'm Not Working Derp-Mart?!

I was at the exit of Derp-Mart enjoying a nice smoothie after a long day at work, or at least I was trying to. A mother of two decided to let her kids enjoy themselves on this motion ride. The only problem is that none of these machines have been used since the Reagan Administration, so they made this incredibly loud annoying sound that sounded like a bird was being strangled to death. At first I felt sorry for the mother because everyone stopped to look where that sound was coming from, even a few workers came from inside the store to check to make sure no animal abuse was going on. But then she got the genius idea of having her kids ride it a second time, since it wasn't quite annoying enough the first time around. I saw couple approach them with their adolescent. I thought they were going to ask her to shut the $#@! up but, nope, they wanted their turn at the ride. And it wasn't even a good ride, it just slowly moved back and forth. The kids didn't even crack a smile while on it, though I sure was close to cracking their heads.

1 comment:

  1. why would you try to relax at your work place while not on the clock! this was your fault! :P
