Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Wheels On The Cart Go Round And Round

This one's probably only going to be funny for me but I've heard stories like this on the internet but this is the first time I've seen it in person. A mother-daughter pair came in today, one no older than 40 the other 16. They came riding up to me on those electric carts that are supposed to be used by the disabled but the fatties tend to have a monopoly on them for some reason. When did being fat become a disability and how can I cash in on this?
"Do you have Thor on DVD?" The daughter asked me.
"Not sure, we can check." I say.
I'm not sure what the protocol is for these types of situations are. Do I walk ahead and wait for their snail carts to catch up or do I show some solidarity and crawl along side them, possibly making chit chat about how technology is both a blessing for making us more productive but also a curse for making us lazy? I opted for the former and went ahead to the action section. We didn't have it. Now I have to wait for them to show up.
"We don't have it." I tell them as I see their carts oozing towards me.
"Oh no." the daughter says with a frown on her face.
"Move your cart forward." The mom says. "I want to see the price and you're blocking my path."
I casually excused myself to the back to get out the laughs that had built up inside me. Maybe I should've asked them if I could have a turn on the ride after they were done.

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