Monday, November 19, 2012

Cashiers and Commission.

A cashier coworker of mine was complain about a new hire one day in the breakroom.
"My sales-per-hour dropped by 300 because of her." If cashiers fail to maintain a 600 or higher sales per hour, they could be let go due to performance issues. Pretty serious stuff.
"What do you get for a high sales per hour?" I ask.
"We get our names up on the cashier corner." She said, pointing to a bulletin board I had overlooked/ignored for the two and a half months I had been working. "I'm actually up there.
"Congrats on being recognized. Or, at least you would be recognized if anyone actually read those things."
"What about you?" She asked. "You get commissions on TV and phones?"
" Those roll back prices need to be paid somehow and it sure isn't coming out of the company's profits."
You're welcome derpmart customers, I subsidize your shopping. Now I know how rich people feel about the poor. A shame I can't cry on top of a huge pile of money while complaining.

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