Tuesday, September 25, 2012

New Policy: Patience

Ok, I know how much you customers hate rule since bossing around Derp-Mart workers is the only time you'll have any modicum of power outside of raising children (which, given your intelligence level, should really be taken away ) but this rule needs to be made. If you're going to ask me to check in the back to see if we have an item you're obligated to wait until I get back before leaving. Yes, I know you think I forgot about you but I'm required to check for things you ask for, even if I think we don't have it. And IT TAKES TIME! It's just on the other side of the wall. Well, it is. But it's behind a cage that's locked and only ONE person has the key, one busy person. So, as you can tell, it will take some time to just check, much less get it for you. Seriously, after spending 15 minutes checking to see if the thing you want is there or not, at least be here for my reply. Who knows, I might have it. And then you can make me do more work in order to sell it to you and I know you get off on making me work harder than I need to.

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